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We are creators of, a LGBT travel blog that highlights the magic of travel to far off lands. We want to invite YOU to purchase a SPONSORED blog post. In the blog post we write about your site, it's mission, goals, and promotional offerings as well as place you on our twitter campaign. 

NOW $45

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Includes a wonderful post of your site and offerings, twitter campaign, home page position for 3 months on and home page link placement.

We understand you must choose your marketing dollars wisely and we do believe that a collaborating effort will bring satisfaction.

Private Travel Diary

Now Available for download and purchase


"I have finally decided to release my personal and nostalgic years of travel. This edition covers the special times in the Middle East, Africa, and Thailand. Meet Washington, my Kenyan friend as well as my group of guy friends from the Arab Gulf. I hope you like reading my private travel diary."

"My friends would come by my flat in their big flashy cars, asking me to go out with them. Usually a group of 2 or 3, sometimes more. Once leaving the city centre, away from the secret police and judging eyes, one is greeted by the desert. My arab friends would take me to the desert for an evening, sometimes an overnight tent camping party."

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